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Exam Schedules

  • Medical examinations are required of each student during the year of their original entry in the school system and before entering 6th and 11th levels. Parents may choose to have their family doctor or the school doctor perform the examinations.


  • All students are checked for scoliosis in the 6th and 7th level.


  • The State of Pennsylvania, on original entry to the school system, in Kindergarten or 1st, 3rd and 7th level, mandates dental examinations. In lieu of school examinations, the family dentist may perform these examinations.


  • Forms are sent home with the student prior to the time that the exams are required.


  • Students participating in school sponsored sports are required, according to the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) Constitution and by-laws, to have a physical examination, reexamination or certification not earlier that six weeks prior to the beginning practice for each applicable sport. (Article V, section 1) Examination may be performed by the family physician or one contracted by the school at a reduced fee. If a student chooses to have a sport physical provided by the school, the school physicians advise that this is a screening physical and does not include an in-depth history. This exam should not replace the more comprehensive care provided by one's own physician.


  • The school nurse will administer a vision screening in addition to height and weight measurements to each child every year. Body mass index (BMI) percentiles. If there is a need for further vision evaluation by an eye specialist, a referral is mailed to the home. 


  • Hearing tests are done yearly in Kindergarten through 3rd level and again in 7th and 11th level and to any student entering school in Pennsylvania. All special education students receive yearly hearing tests. If there is a need for further hearing evaluation by a physician, a referral will be mailed home.


  • Each child entering school in Pennsylvania must be completely immunized according to the Pennsylvania Department of Health Guidelines. Immunizations are not required in cases where extenuating medical or religious factor are involved. Documentation of such will be required. ( - Rules and Regulations for School Immunization)


  • In addition to providing immunization records, students entering Kindergarten must also provide a birth certificate.


  • Medical emergency forms are on file in the health office for each student. The form indicates the person(s) to contact in the event of an emergency. This form is to be completed and signed by the parent yearly. PLEASE KEEP THIS INFORMATION CURRENT BY NOTIFYING THE HEALTH OFFICE OF ANY CHANGES DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR.


  • Children with communicable diseases are required to remain out of school for the protection of others. The Allegheny County Health Department develops programs to prevent the spread of communicable disease and  sets policy that determines when it is appropriate for infected children to return to school.