• Elizabeth Forward Transportation Services are provided by STA.

    Elizabeth Forward Bus Garage

    1806 Scenery Drive, Elizabeth  PA 15037

    Phone:  412-385-2908     Fax:  412-405-8635

    Terminal Manager:  Lacey Pierce   lpierce@ridesta.com  


    Bridgt Vidil  bvidil@ridesta.com

    Dezarae Jubick-Boden   djubeckboden@ridesta.com

    Carla Christian  cchristian@ridesta.com





    Joshua Kutscher JKutscher@efsd.net  

    Fax:  412-751-9485 EFSD District Office


    Students are permitted to ride only the bus they are assigned to, both to and from school. If due to long term pre or after school care, other arrangements need to be made, please refer to the Bus Stop Change Request Form. 

    The change request must be submitted to the building secretary at least 5 days before start date. 

    This form is also available at each building office.

Transportation Forms