Q & A
What is VIDs and how will it impact your family? Read below.What is a Virtual Instructional Day (VID)? Virtual instructional days (VIDs) also known as Flexible instructional days (FID) are deemed a school day and count toward the number of instructional days/hours required under Article 15 of the Public School Code and Chapter 11 of the state Board of Education regulations. VIDs employ “nontraditional strategies” to provide a continuation of instruction on regularly scheduled school days when circumstances (primarily weather) call for an alternate approach. Elizabeth Forward School District applied to the state in November 2014, and was approved to participate in this program for the next three school years.
How will it work for Elizabeth Forward? On exrtremely cold days. the district will have teachers report to school but students will stay home to complete their homerwork. As long as students complete their assignments within 3 school days of the VID, they will receive credit for the school day.
So, how does student attendance work? Student attendance will be determined by verification and completion of the lesson and or assignment during the 3-school-day assignment window.
What is expected of students? Students are expected to work on assignments from home as assigned and given to students prior by the teacher. If a child does not have Internet access or equipment to log on, the student should communicate this with the teacher. They will have 3 school days to make up the assignment and turn it into his/her instructor for full credit.
What's the benefit of a VID? It’s an effort to address inclement weather days while at the same time attempting to eliminate the need to extend the school year. We will utilize VIDs more frequently in the 2016-17 school year. Online learning will be part of your child's educational experience and it is our hope that this virtual instruction will provide them with the experience necessary to be successful in future online endeavors.
What if I have a student with special needs? The VID lesson will be designed for students with special needs utilizing their program modifications, specially designed instruction and supplementary aids and services identified in their individualized education plans. Upon return from a VID, teachers of students with special needs will meet with their students to review work submitted, checking for completion and understanding. If needed, students will have an additional 3 school days to complete assignments. Any related services (PT, OT, Speech, etc…) scheduled during the VID will be rescheduled according to the frequency requirements of the students’ individualized education plan (IEP). On the VID, special education personnel will be available to answer questions through email or by phone between the hours of 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The Special Education office (412-896-2300, ext. 2374) will also field parent questions and phone calls.
Flexible Instructional Day Letter
Flexible Instructional Days Parent Letter 2019-2020.pdf 315.21 KB (Last Modified on December 4, 2019)