Apple Technologies in Action

  • Since Elizabeth Forward School District's 1:1 iPad initiative began in 2013, teachers and students have been using this powerful device to transform lessons and promote creativity within the classroom! Below are a few ways that Greenock and Mt. Vernon teachers and students leverage Apple technologies:

    • All students within Greenock & Mt. Vernon utilize applications like eSpark Learning and Canvas Learning Management System. eSpark Learning allows Greenock & Mt. Vernon teachers to assign leveled resources to easily target specific standards and skills. Teachers utilize their MacBook Air to consistently review data from eSpark and make decisions regarding grouping and personalized pathways and more.  Students learn at their own pace on a personalized, adaptive pathway all on the iPad through the eSpark app! During the 2021-2022 school year, students at Greenock & Mt. Vernon accomplished the following:


      • 132,537 activities completed
      • 6,927 standards mastered
      • 20% average quiz growth
      • 64% students who began the year working below level now at/above level

    Mt. Vernon

    • 71,257 activities completed
    • 3,649 standards mastered
    • 20% average quiz growth
    • 52% students who began the year working below level now at/above level


    • In Kindergarten, students use virtual and augmented reality (AR) to help bring stories to life. One great example is that students use the QuiverVision application to create augmented reality experiences on their iPad! Students also use the green-screen effect in iMovie for engaging projects! In one example, students placed themselves at the end of a rainbow for St. Patrick's Day!
    • In First Grade, tools like Facetime are used to take students on virtual trips! In addition to FaceTime, platforms like Zoom were instrumental during school closures and are still used today. Teachers and students at Greenock and Mt. Vernon have became experts on how to leverage Zoom on iPad and MacBook.
    • In Second Grade, students and teachers enjoy creating projects in Clips! Teachers will often create Clips videos to help reinforce different skills and content knowledge. Students also join the creation process by creating Clips videos that showcase their understanding of key vocabulary terms!
    • The Blooket iOS application has been a favorite amongst the third grade teachers and students at Mt. Vernon! Teachers and students enjoy the game-based learning and fun game modes within Blooket!
    • 4th Grade teachers, like Ms. Rachel Tobias, enjoy using Keynote to enhance their lessons. From creating engaging animated GIFs to using placeholders for students to interact with, the fourth grade teachers and students at Mt. Vernon are Keynote creators!
    • Virtual reality allowed 5th Grade teachers at Mt. Vernon to increase student engagement within the classroom! Teachers have used VR to travel to remote locations and exploring the different systems of the human body!

    Pages has also become a "go-to" resource for teachers and students at Greenock and Mt. Vernon. Teachers have utilized Pages to create multi-modal activites for students that include features like image galleries, audio/video recordings, and more!