Opening Our Classrooms - Tours at Central Elementary

  • Central Elementary Tour

    Central teachers have paved the way for other educators to witness how integrating Apple technology in the classroom can improve student achievement and classroom engagement. Over the last several years, they have opened their classrooms to over 200 school districts and shared their innovative learning and teaching practices with educators through one-on-one consultations, zoom training, and shared resources. 

  • In March of 2022, Elizabeth Forward School District was selected as a location for Apple's "Building Momentum" event. This professional learning experience allowed educators from Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, and West Virginia to meet and collaborate! This event included a tour of Central Elementary, specifically focusing on how students and teachers leverage Apple technologies.One of the highlights of these tours is the PBIS "Brave Bunch" - Stundet Ambassadors. These students serve as tour guides for guests and share their experiences using Apple technologies.