• Mr. Keith Konyk began his tenure as Superintendent effective January 4, 2023. The Board of School Directors conducted a comprehensive review of Mr. Konyk's performance for the time period through November, 2023. Using the PSBA template with the Standards mentioned below, Mr. Konyk successfully met each of these standards for the time period measured. 

    Standard 1: Developing and Implementing Shared Vision, Goals and Annual Measureable Objectives     The superintendent collaborates with the board to develop district-wide goals and measurable objectives that support the district’s comprehensive plan and promotes district success through the systematic implementation of effective strategies, and the monitoring and evaluation of progress.  District-wide goals and annual measurable objectives are clearly defined with action steps and identified outcomes.  The goals and objectives are calculated to advance the district’s performance and/or reduce a gap or challenge faced by the district (including academic, fiscal, human resources, technology, etc.).

    Standard 2: Student Growth & Achievement     The superintendent focuses on the academic growth and achievement of district students and uses multiple data sources for assessment.  The superintendent implements research-based strategies and initiatives to develop, support, monitor and evaluate district curriculum, assessment systems, programs, and services to support student growth and achievement.

    Standard 3: Governance and Administration     The superintendent consistently collaborates with the board to establish policies and procedures that promote effective relationships between the superintendent and the board, as well as high-quality education for all students.  The superintendent understands the difference between public school governance and administration and demonstrates the ability to implement policy through the administrative role.

    Standard 4:  Effective Management: District Operations     The superintendent consistently leads, monitors, and evaluates the management of operations to ensure that the organizational resources are managed efficiently and effectively.  The superintendent ensures that fiscal and technological resources are allocated appropriately. The superintendent also ensures that organizational time is aligned with the support of effective district operations.

    Standard 5:  Effective Management: Personnel     The superintendent implements and recommends improvements to the district’s professional development plan.  The superintendent also ensures that professional and support staff are equipped with resources and training to support quality instruction and student learning.