AP US History

  • Advanced Placement U.S. History correlates the past with the present, demonstrating the usefulness of history by showing that history is to man as memory is to the individual. In arriving at conclusions, AP U.S. History shows “why” or “how” rather than “what” happens in particular circumstances. Students look at all sides of a historical problem and then eliminate the alternatives in order to decide why events occurred as they did. The text, in this case, must be a point of departure to other sources. Interactive discussion, lectures, essays, debates, and videos are included in methods of instruction. The course makes demands on the students equivalent to those of an introductory college-level course. This course may be substituted for American Government during the senior year only. This may also be offered as a College-in-High-School (CHS) course in affiliation with a local college/university for optional college credit.

    A summer assignment is required.


    (1) G.P.A. of 3.75 over all for previous years

    (2) Social Studies G.P.A of 4.0